10 Jun 2013

At Suncoast Rehab, we deliver an effective, holistic rehab program.  But what does this mean and how does it work?

The word Holistic means “relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems, rather than the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.”

Holistic rehab works by treating both the body and the mind for drug addiction – instead of viewing it as simply a physical problem or just a mental disability.  Addiction affects both the mind and body, so only treating the mind or only treating the body would mean you are missing a key part of addiction treatment.

Our Holistic Drug Rehabilitation Program

Different rehab programs have different methods for holistic drug rehab.  Our program is highly successful with most of our graduates going on to live successful, drug-free lives.  What makes it so effective?  Here is the general layout of our rehabilitation techniques.

Step I: Withdrawal


Our first step is to help the recovering addict through withdrawal using our drug-free program.  Our trained staff utilize vitamins, minerals, a healthy diet, physical therapies, and more to help the withdrawing addict through the symptoms of withdrawal as swiftly and as comfortably as possible. Additionally, we use special procedures designed to help reduce the physical and emotional pains commonly experienced during withdrawal.

The next step is a thorough detoxification procedures, known as the New Life Detoxification.  This entails the use of a low-heat sauna, exercise and nutrition to help remove residues of past drug or alcohol use, stored in the body. These toxins appear to create the cravings which often force recovering addicts to return to their substance use. Graduates of the New Life Detoxification commonly remark on the substantial decrease in intensity of cravings or their complete vanishment. Also common, those who have completed this step of the Narconon program state that their head is clear and they have increased clarity in their thinking.

Following the detoxification,  the person does a set of unique exercises called objectives to help bring a person's attention off the past and into the present. Becoming stable in present time is a very important factor in drug rehabilitation. A person’s attention can be stuck in literally thousands of different past moments. His behavior and attitudes are influenced by such past experiences. With so much attention on his past, he has little or no attention left for the here and now.The purpose of objectives is to bring the person out of the past and into present time—ready and able to face life without resorting to drugs.

The fourth step is a series of Life Skill courses. These courses are a vital part of the rehabilitation process. They enable the individual to view his or her past behavior, including harmful actions done as an addict and so regain his personal integrity and sense of self-worth. Other courses provide information about individuals and factors in the person’s environment whose influence may have contributed to the person’s drug or alcohol use -- and to see more clearly, those people who have supported the individual and with whom it would be beneficial to associate. The person also learns special decision making tools. The full life skills curriculum of the Narconon program provides the person with knowledge and tools vital for living a successful, drug-free life.

Finally, by this time the individual has gained new insight into themselves and those around them.  So, taking into account what they have learned, the student works with a counselor to develop a personal plan for the graduate’s life after rehab.  

The end result is a person stably free from drugs or alcohol abuse who has the tools and knowledge necessary to build a successful, happy and drug free life. And, very consistently, they go out and do just that.

If you or someone you know is suffering from drug addiction, contact us today at (877) 850-7355.  Our calls are confidential, and our program has helped thousands of people beat addiction.

Refs: Merriam-Webster.com, SuncoastRehabCenter.com